MegBA is a fast and distributed library for large-scale Bundle Adjustment (BA). MegBA has a novel end-to-end vectorised BA algorithm which can fully exploit the massive parallel cores on GPUs, thus speeding up the entire BA computation. It also has a novel distributed BA algorithm that can automatically partition BA problems, and solve BA sub-problems using distributed GPUs. The GPUs synchronise intermediate solving state using network-efficient collective communication, and the synchronisation is designed to minimise communication cost. MegBA has a memory-efficient GPU runtime and it exposes g2o-compatible APIs. Experiments show that MegBA can out-perform state-of-the-art BA libraries (i.e., Ceres and DeepLM) by ~50x and ~5x respectively, in public large-scale BA benchmarks.

Luo Mai
Luo Mai
Assistant Professor

My research interests include computer systems, machine learning and data management.